Film Four Corners

Bridging Filmmakers and the Four Corners

Contact Us

All people interested in the art of filmmaking are invited to join us for a networking and social event on Friday the 17th!

Maybe you have always wanted to try your hand at making a short film, or you're interested in other aspects of the craft such as hair & makeup, props, or sound.

Maybe you're a film aficionado, and want to talk about what you love about your favorite movies with others who may also be interested.

Maybe you've got some (or a lot of) experience, and want to grow your network and make exciting new things happen. Bring business cards!

Pizza and soft drinks will be provided.


We desire to see the DNA of film and the arts grow. We do everything in our influence to drive the passion for film in the Four Corners region by offering festivals, workshops and resources .

Our talented and hard working team of directors, producers, actors, contractors, and writers offer educational workshops to strengthen the film production workforce. 

We have partnered with the City of Farmington, San Juan County, San Juan College, Farmington High School ,and Piedra Vista High School to  enhance existing programs and expand on real world production company experience.
Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for local filmmakers, and large scale, out-of-state productions to film in the Four Corners region. ​

We're your regional connection. We work with local sound stage and production companies that provide grip packages and top-of-the line cinema camera packages. Reasonable prices for incoming productions and special rates
for in-state productions. 
There is no charge to local students in film, broadcast, or media based programs.

We also assist with permits, insurance, location scouting, transportation, and craft services
so that filmmakers can focus on
producing great films!

We've got some
amazing sponsors

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